Friday 30 July 2010

Westward Vacation - Day 6

I woke up in Couer d'Alene Idaho in a Holiday Inn. We walked out of the hotel and down the street to where we were able to walk around the downtown area. It was great! There were all these little stores that I went into! There was a Del Sole store that i went to and bought a keychain and a frisbee.

Then we drove for 9 hours. During the trip we saw: Mountains. Flat. Hills. Flat. Flat. And then some more flat.

Finally we arrived in Seattle. SEATTLE! I officially love Seattle! My mom has a friend Marc who took us to a great restaurant and showed me the campuses of one of the colleges that I am interested in (in Seattle). He's hilarious and I would like to adopt his as my uncle!!! After dinner we went to an outlook where we could see all of downtown Seattle including the Space Needle.

I am in love with a city. I don't want to ever leave here on Sunday, I just want to stay here forever!

<3 e

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