Saturday, 19 February 2011


I went to a fashion show today, and I was struck by the intensity that all the designers must have felt. They took everything that they could and put it into their 5 garments.

I want something like that.

I think that's why I started my blog. I needed a way to tell people things about me, without actually having to tell them. I wanted to showcase my writing and my photography.

But I don't get nervous. Well, not nervous about anything that I'm passionate about. I want to feel that excitement. That terror. That feeling that all the time you put into this project is finally coming together.

I need to find something that I can be horribly nervous about. Any ideas??

<3 e

1 comment:

  1. post a vlog.I need to get around to making a new one. Although, that usually makes me feel more stupid than nervous, but there's a little bit of nervousness.
